
What is it?

We know that keeping track of engineering processes in large organizations is hard. As a developer, it can be frustrating to spend too much time on tasks that slow you down or don't add any value.

That's why we developed Telemetry - a tool that uses Git SaaS-based bots to track anonymized data and help us identify areas where we can improve our processes. It helps us confirm our assumptions and identify areas that need improvement, so our engineers can focus on more valuable tasks.

If you're interested in improving your own projects, consider to fork the GitHub repo.

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Getting started

Telemetry is a DEVEN project, which is designed to collect anonymized, automized metrics using bots for Git SaaS services (e.g GitHub), to inform about how teams can improve development retention, productivity and satisfaction for more effectiveness. So far our project implements a service that listens to webhook events from a GitHub organisation or repo, to process and save them into a private data repository. The whole solution is designed to be as cost efficient as possible to give the biggest group of people the chance to collect and later on analyze relevant data.

How do we collect data?

The project collects data based on the following GitHub events:

  • check-suite
  • create
  • deployment
  • pull_request
  • workflow_job

One can also define new events to be used, e.g. tooling-usage and more.

Those events are used to collect data for a multitude of metrics, those include:

  • code-review-involvement
  • test-coverage
  • documentation-updated
  • and more

For more details have a look at the documentation of our metrics


  • Help engineers to be more efficient
  • Make it easier for leads to see which changes really effect productivity
  • Detect unexpected trends in metrics to be able to react in time
