Newsletter 016

✨ Happy 3-2-1 treats day!✨

Good day everyone,

It is time for another round of our newsletter.

This week is Internaut Day. The 23.08.1991 is generally seen as the day the World Wide Web went public.

Nobody could forsee the impact this will have on the whole world. For most people a life without the open web would be drastically different.

That is why this edition of the newsletter will focus on open standards and software in the public domain.

As usual I prepared 3 things for learners, 2 things for doers, and 1 question for thinkers all about the topic open source and open standards. No matter if you are a learner, a doer, a thinker, two or all of them, we hope you’ll find something to enjoy.

3 things for learners

How open source software powers modern filmmaking

Octoverse: The state of open source and rise of AI in 2023

Scaling standards and community in your organization

2 things for doers

Use open source to improve your projects documentation

How to Contribute to Open Source

1 question for thinkers

Would coding standards make your day to day work better?

Thank you for reading!

If you have any resources you think your colleagues should know about, please let me know, so it can be added to a future newsletter.
Julian from DEVEN

P.S.: This time there is no CodePen coding challenge. Instead we want to challenge you to contribute to a open source software of your choice.

If you do not know where to start you can follow the second link under the 2 things for doers.

Any kind of contribution that improves a project is a good and worthwhile time investment. This does not need to be a code change, it can also include documentation updates, fixing typos and others.

Happy contributing 🧑‍🚀