Newsletter 011

✨ Happy 3-2-1 treats day!✨

Good day everyone,

Welcome to the new format of the DEVEN newsletter. From now on the newsletter will be published as blog post on the DEVEN website. The old newsletters are also available as blog posts.

Here are 3 things for learners, 2 things for doers, and 1 question for thinkers to sprinkle some glitter on your day. No matter if you are a learner, a doer, a thinker, two or all of them, we hope you’ll find something to enjoy.

3 things for learners

How to exclude elements from being shown in google search results

A new approach to container and wrapper classes

htmx - high power tools for HTML

2 things for doers

Popular git config options

Create a Currency Converter with HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript 🧮

1 question for thinkers

"Forever projects" are things you start and want to continue forever or at least did not defined a shelf life for. And those things can be hard to let go. Do you have forever projects?

Thank you for reading!

If you have any resources you think your colleagues should know about, please let us know, so we can add it to a future newsletter.
Julian from DEVEN

P.S.: Do you love to challenge yourself a bit? Here is a small gift for you!

🎁 Below you will find a small coding challenge in every newsletter. Feel free to discuss the challenge with others/your juniors and trainees, with your team or even your cactus. 🌵
>> link to challenge <<