Newsletter 008

✨ Happy 3-2-1 treats day!✨

Happy new year 🎉 With the new year we also start a new season of our newsletter to send you 3 things for learners, 2 things for doers, and 1 question for thinkers to sprinkle some glitter on your day. No matter if you are a learner, a doer, a thinker, two or all of them, I hope you’ll find something to enjoy.

3 things for learners

⏱️ Precise Timing With Web Animations API

How To Avoid Bias In Computer Vision Models

Microservices vs Monolithic Architecture: A Practical Approach

2 things for doers

Scroll Snap Type - Set snap points on scroll containers

SVG Gradient Wave Generator

1 question for thinkers

If you take a moment to reflect on what you accomplished in 2022, what are you the most proud of?

Thank you for reading!

If you have any resources you think your colleagues should know about, please hit reply and let us know, so we can add it to a future newsletter.

We wish you all a great start into the new year, let your dreams take flight in 2023!
Julian & Ola from DEVEN

P.S.: As promised we continue the coding challenges, this time we have one from @KrasimirTsonev who created a dedicated website with challenges.
Add a HTML element that allows the user to pick a colour