Newsletter 007

✨ Another round of 3-2-1 treats.✨

Every few weeks, you will get 3 things for learners, 2 things for doers, and 1 question for thinkers to sprinkle some glitter on your day. No matter if you are a learner, a doer, a thinker, two or all of them… I hope you’ll find something to enjoy.

3 things for learners

How do I make sure my work is visible?

An interactive guide to colour & contrast:

✨♻️ JavaScript Visualised: Event Loop

2 things for doers

VueUse - Collection of Vue Composition Utilities

11ty - A simple static site generator

1 question for thinkers

What can you do to take better care of yourself?

Thank you for reading!

This is the last newsletter for this year, but no worries it will continue next year with even more things to learn, do and think about. 🎉

If you have any resources you think your colleagues should know about, please hit reply and let us know, so we can add it to a future newsletter.

We wish you all happy holidays, take a break and enjoy the quiet time at the end of the year. ♥️
Ola & Julian from DEVEN

P.S.: We’ll skip the coding challenge this time as we want you to take a break. We will continue them with the next newsletter, promised.

But we do have an ask… if you are up to it: show appreciation to your colleagues for what they did this year, spread some love 💌